Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for the Visitors

The homestay visitors are expected to abide by the following points:

<Source : Government of Nepal Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation>

  1. Do not pressure the owner for food, beverage, and facilities not available at homestay.
  2. Do not disturb people at home or outside.
  3. Do not offer anything to the people beyond one’s capacity.
  4. Beware of doing any behavior (such as sexual activities), which is impermissible to the local socio-cultural values.
  5. Respect to the rites and rituals of the local people. Wear such clothes that are permissible to the community.
  6. Do not impress the owner or use or other people for doing immoral or illegal activities. Respect to the household routine for entrance and exit.
  7. Supply and use of narcotics or any forms of psychotropic drugs at home or outside are strictly prohibited.
  8. Respect to the biodiversity and ecology of the environment.